What bugs you (if anything) about Oblivion?

17 Feb 2003

I know there have already been plenty of Oblivion threads, but I can't remember seeing one dedicated to the 'weaker' areas of the game.

Now this isn't a 'knock Oblivion' type thread - I love the game, and as this goes out am currently around 120 hours into it. There are however, a couple of things that really can bug me about the gameplay - but the one I thought I'd mention here is the stupidity of NPC's at times!

How many times have you had to restart a quest because the idiot of an NPC decides to dive between you and the target you're fighting!!? :confused: I'm currently on my 4th attempt at 'Where Spirits Have Lease' in Anvil because of just this problem - every time I start fighting the ghosts in the manor house, Velwyn Benirus jumps in the way of one of my swings, and so decides he has to fight me instead!! :mad:

I've had this happen in other quests/situations too, but not as bad as this.

Any aspect of the game frustrate/anger/irritate you?
Davey_Pitch said:
Just hold block and press A when facing him then, he should yield and stop fighting with you.
Tried that Davey, but it didn't seem to work - he just kept coming at me!! I've finally done it now, on the fifth attempt!

But my, don't you get a nice house out of it!! :)

Its also got me stuck in the scenery a couple of times.
This has annoyed me as well MadFruit - I've got stuck in the scenary a good 4 or 5 times!
thefranklin said:
My biggest problem is the guy who sells you the skindred house committed suicide. I came across his body at the bottom of the bridge, only to find out that lots of other people had the same thing happen.
Ahh - that must be what's happened to me as well. I've been trying to find him for ages with no luck - he's never in the castle, never in the town! Important NPC's falling off the scenary, now that is bad - I guess that scenario's out of the window now!! :(
Ultra_Extreme said:
Having said that my game clock is at 120 with 2 guilds and the main quest still to go soooooo hardly a poor showing compared to many titles.

Still a 9/10 from me. V Happy
Well said. I'm about 127 hours in now & apart from a few annoying problems mentioned here, it has had me captivated throughout. Now I can't remember the last title I spent anywhere near this long playing - so that's got to be praise enough. :)
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