Just interested to know what camera settings on you're dslr do you use mostly for weddings ? manual mode or one of the other options ?
I tend to keep mine on Aperture priorit for 80% of the day and move to manual when I use flash.
I tend to keep my ISO on Auto these days but did use to keep it on 100 all the time but ran in to lots of issues in low light so keep it on the auto setting now
Shutter speed I always try to aim for around 1/100 1/125 to keep the images sharp and avoid blur.
Just interested to know what settings others tend to use most ?
I tend to keep mine on Aperture priorit for 80% of the day and move to manual when I use flash.
I tend to keep my ISO on Auto these days but did use to keep it on 100 all the time but ran in to lots of issues in low light so keep it on the auto setting now
Shutter speed I always try to aim for around 1/100 1/125 to keep the images sharp and avoid blur.
Just interested to know what settings others tend to use most ?