For various reasons, I'm currently in the process of selling the 172 and am looking for ideas of a cheap replacement. The main criteria is as follows:
- Automatic
- Cheap to buy ie upto/around £1k
- Cheap to run and maintain
Now I wouldn't normally go for an auto myself however that's all my girlfriend can drive so that's that. I'm not bothered about performance, looks, or anything like that, just something that's going to be cheap to both buy and run. So, any suggestions?
- Automatic
- Cheap to buy ie upto/around £1k
- Cheap to run and maintain
Now I wouldn't normally go for an auto myself however that's all my girlfriend can drive so that's that. I'm not bothered about performance, looks, or anything like that, just something that's going to be cheap to both buy and run. So, any suggestions?