What desktop environment are you using?

Wise Guy
23 May 2009
I saw there is a thread for which distro but not which x windows. I use rh/centos from the console but have never used linux as a desktop. I just tried the gnome versions that come with ubuntu and fedora and hated them. I'm not interested in ipad-esque twitter, chatting, amazon, music, pictures, etc rubbish like ubuntu is bloated with.

I want strictly utilitarian but at the same time something that works without a lot of tweaking. Thats the only thing I liked with ubuntu is the nvidia drivers were working out the box without having to mess about with modprobe or whatever. The old centos one was ok to work with, gnome 2 I think?

I think cinnamon or kde plasma is what I need?
I installed Centos 7 and I'm happy with it out of the box, and more so after using the gnome tweak tool a bit, and tweaking the fonts to subpixel rendering. Only thing is there is a lot of wasted desktop space in app windows from the top panel and inefficient menu layouts, I'd prefer to consolidate it with the bottom panel because I have it on a laptop screen. And the colors seem sort of washed out even with nvidia drivers. I will try out MATE though.
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