What did I kill?

6 Nov 2004
Right I was messing around with overclocking, and for some reason I thought wouldnt it be fun to see what kind of overclock I could get putting all voltages to full, so CPU was around 1.69, ram 2.85 and morthbridge around 1.85 I think, I set all these values to bios it restarts, then power off NOTHING.
I frantically try clearing the Cmos, press on button - nothing!

Venice 3200 on Arctic cooler pro 64
Gigabyte 6800ultra
1gig ram (geil ultra corsair xmscpt2)
MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum Motherboard.
X-Pro 460W Psu.

I know im a idiot but what is the likely cause of this, hope to god it isnt broken but I cant see how it isnt.
Thank god, I unplugged everything and now its working again, I switched the PSU off at the back but this didnt do anything, unplugging seem to have made a difference.
Yeah I dont think i'll be doing that in a rush again, I kinda convinced myself thinking it would be fine to just up the volts to max, then max everything our rather than all the effort, stupid idea but happens when you get frustrated spend hours tweaking slowly.
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