What difference does it make in the real world of 1:1 V 1:2 for FCLK : UCLK Ratio

22 Oct 2006
On my TR3960 rig I've got 128GB of 3200 ram currently clocked at 3600 with 1:1 ratio on FCLK & UCLK both running at 1800. ( Infinity Fabric Clock and Memory Controller Clock )

The system seems very stable and I've been running with those numbers for quite a while

I know I can get the ram running at 3800 if I increase the FCLK to 1900 but that makes the UCLK run at 900 so the 1:2 ratio.

Is it worth the extra small bump if it costs me 1:1 ratio
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Should say that I know it's never going to be a massive difference either way but it's an exercise in getting the best from what I've got.

After all this is Overclockers.....
I managed to find an old copy of AIDA64 so manged to run some memory benchmarking at 3600 and 3800

Any thoughts on the impact of increased latency, 85.7 increasing to 102.2 with the 1:2 ratio latency, against increased read / write / copy performance. Marginal increase on the read performance though

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This doesn't answer your question unfortunately since there are no benches above 1:1, but you might find it interesting if you haven't seen it:
This doesn't answer your question unfortunately since there are no benches above 1:1, but you might find it interesting if you haven't seen it:

Thanks for the link - some good info there
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