What do I do with my old equipment?

6 Jun 2005
Plymouth / Cambridge
Hi, Not sure if this is the place or if i can to put this so forgive me . i have done some spring cleaning over the weekend an i am in need to getting rid of a few old components. I am probably going to sell them but i am not sure what i should price them at.
i have 2 gaming mice, these are immaculate, i only used them once or twice as the shape didn't feel right for me. The first is a ROG SICA gaming mouse and the other is a Razer Abyssus V2 with orinal boxes and even the stickers and sealed manuals.

The last is my old 24" NEC 24wmgx3 gaming monitor. it's pretty old but a goody! it has no scratches and is in very good condition.
i recon i might get maybe £20 for the mice and maybe £50 for the monitor as its still in good nick.
Dunno what else i can do with them unless anyone has any other ideas? i don't want to dump perfectly good equipment that someone might want


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