What do people think of Host Department

12 May 2005

Could anyone with a lot of knowledge of hosting have a quick look at that for me please?

I was thinking of either the Windows Standard or the windows .net version.

I understand they are US based, but I dont really see any problems with that TBH.

They seem to be pretty genuine and with good tech support from my googling of them, and their site seems to be pretty professional. I just wanted to check that their servers will support all common stuff (PHP, HTML, maybe a bit of flash, plus the other usual stuff).
I may well use it for a slight business venture, the primary use though will be for Graphic Art, tutorials, hosting how to videos (both for graphic artwork, computing and gaming) and a place for graphic artists to come and hang out.

I may allow people to make donations to the site if they wish though, to help with running.

Forums will also be placed up and running, either VB ones, or which ever I feel will be useful.

On the site, they say that they allow virtually unlimited webspace, and virtually unlimited bandwidth, providing you stay within the terms and Conditions of the site.

I am just a bit confused as also the best hosting plan to go for, windows Standard or the Windows.net, cold fusion, or custom DLL.

The pages will be mostly flash, HTML and PHP.

Thanks for any help, you guys rock :P
Soooo... basically avoid them like some people avoid soap?

Hmm... I am thinking of going for JaguarPC then. One last thing on JaguarPC though. I have noticed that you can buy extra space and bandwidth. is that a month the cost, or is that for an entire year? I assume its a year?

Sign Up: Step 2

Domain : www.balh.com
Package : The Longhorn (Annual) - $107.64
Disk Space - 5 GB $5.00
Bandwidth - 100 GB $15.00
Register the domain : yes

Obviously a bit of an example, but just thought I would show.
Shine mate, you have been very helpful. I am VERY very impressed they have a forum. (pleased too for that matter) and have joined and posted there asking my questions.

A thanks to everyone else that has posted too. I am a bit sad that I don't get unlimited hosting, but I guess you're right, and if something seems to good to be true, don't trust it.

I will post back here when they reply, and will let people know of what they say :)
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