What do u pump your tires up with?



26 Jun 2005
It might sound like a stupid question and the answer will most likely be something like this. "umm air :confused: "
But ive heard that some people componys and places use nitrogen(or some gas like that) in there tires instead because it doesnt heat up as much and it keeps the tyres at lower temps and it helps with tirewear.

Has anyone or does anyone know much about this or use it?
A lot of people that I've spoken to, who own fancy stuff, use nitrogen as it keeps a more regular pressure. Wasn't aware of the temperature issues.
I was going to use petrol, then when you run out of fuel simply let a tire down a bit and top your tank up.

My plan was foiled when i spotted this pic :

Firestar_3x said:
I was going to use petrol, then when you run out of fuel simply let a tire down a bit and top your tank up.

My plan was foiled when i spotted this pic :

But to actually get enough to even run the car for any lenght of time youd have to bleed the tires dry, all of em. Wouldnt ya?
-Mic- said:
But to actually get enough to even run the car for any lenght of time youd have to bleed the tires dry, all of em. Wouldnt ya?

Better having fuel in your tank and half flat tyres rather than no fuel at all.......
Firestar_3x said:
Better having fuel in your tank and half flat tyres rather than no fuel at all.......
Well if you got enough out of them to move then I'd see your point, but if ya have to take too much out, bye bye wheels.
But please, wont somebody think of the children??

Hmm, children inside tyres, might just work!
I got a Halfords cig lighter plug in car compressor few years back, works great and avoids putting in any effort, this combined with a digi pressure meter means spot on tyre pressures all round
Not tried it myself but from what I've heard the supposed advantages of putting Nitrogen in the tyres are so minimal that there's absolutely no point to it on a road car.
The whole nitrogen thing is a bit of a joke, utterly pointless paying good money to have it put in.

If anyone was been paying attention in their physics classes, you might remember the ideal gas law PV=nRT. Heating up a tyre full of air and a tyre full of nitrogen by the same amount yields the same pressure increase.

The other argument is that the tyres last longer because the inert Nitrogen dosen't attack rubber unlike the oxygen in air. Now I don't know about anyone else, but I've never had to replace a tyre due to oxidised rubber on the inside, only due to either holes or lack of rubber on the outside.

The final argument which may have slight merit is that the nitrogen is dried to remove all moisture, which helps to prevent corrosion of the rim. Fine, but why not simply dry out some common or garden air instead?

Another point, assuming all the hype around nitrogen had some semblance of truth, these alleged advtanges would be reduced or negated the first time you need to top the tyres up, unless you happen to have your own nitrogen production plant.
Firestar_3x said:
I got a Halfords cig lighter plug in car compressor few years back, works great and avoids putting in any effort, this combined with a digi pressure meter.

Same here, find the Supermarket/ garage ones untrustworthy due to people throwing, dropping them.
I can't help but think that air is mostly made up of Nitrogen. So unless you're playing with an F1 car or a Veyron, would it really make any difference?
Firestar_3x said:
I got a Halfords cig lighter plug in car compressor few years back, works great and avoids putting in any effort, this combined with a digi pressure meter means spot on tyre pressures all round
Ditto and stopped using the supermarket places as well as half the time you put opened the valve and it wouldn't put air in.

I have a digital halfords meter as well and that reads 1.5psi lower than the cig lighter air pump. Not to worried as I have found the car feels best at a certain level (and wears well!) so why worry seriously about the amount!
Pigeon said:
Ditto and stopped using the supermarket places as well as half the time you put opened the valve and it wouldn't put air in.

I have a digital halfords meter as well and that reads 1.5psi lower than the cig lighter air pump. Not to worried as I have found the car feels best at a certain level (and wears well!) so why worry seriously about the amount!

If you set my compresser to 30Psi the digi meter reads it as 32psi, car feels right at the recommended pressures so i can only assume my two digi meters are correct.
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