What do you do for a mobile version of a site ?

5 Feb 2006
As title really. I've only ever built a couple of very basic websites using 960 grid system which i have finally managed to get my head around. the client has never requested a mobile version of a site and i never dared dipping my preverbial toe in as it took me long enough to get the basics :)

however, im now in a position to make one. So. I've been looking around and it seems like i have 2 options. i either build a specific mobile site. or i implement a responsive grid design into my current layout. ive come across one here : http://webcache.googleusercontent.c.../quantum-framework/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk which says it uses the 960 which i thought would make things easier. but im getting confused about where to place the group and possibly section classes.

Would be really grateful if any one could either point me in the direction or a really easy to use one or a tutorial for that one :)

or just tell me im an idiot and explain it :D
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