What do you get a friend for a 20th birthday who has everything?

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
She has a car (with personalise number plate), all the clothes a girl needs and more, lots of shoes, and just lots of stuff. I can't really afford to spent loads since i am a little skint after the spending spree i went on after Christmas, but don't want to be too cheap as she is a good friend. I am stumped as to what to get her, the birthday is 4 weeks away so i have plenty of time but nothing springs to mind and i am usualy good at buying presents.

Ideas people, gifts for a friend who has pretty much most material things you can ask for.
Phantom said:
card and flowers (assuming youre single or if not make sure your gf knows too and then get her an even bigger bunch!)

Can't do that, her boyfriend would take care of that. :) And i don't like giving out cards (except at Christmas), I find them very unpersonal.
gord said:
Does she have any hobbies/interests?

Get her a few nice bottles of wine maybe if she likes that sort of thing?

People always like drink!

unless they dont drink.. :eek:

Malibu .... or WKD....it's a girl, what do you expect? :p

ok, now we have Rampant Rabbit and Malibu...

she does cheerleading...some pom pom prehaps......a little too cheesy.
Mohinder said:
Raymond, do you have any male friends?

I worry about you, you'll turn into a girl eventually!

You know, i thought about that the other day. I somehow manage to go through an entire weekend without having any interaction with any male species. But on my course at uni in the day i hang out with the lads (in a class that is 95% female...hint to any guys want to do a course full of girls? Do Law !). But after lectures I only know girls as friends, it kinda turned out that way as the lads i knew last year have all either dropped out or changed uni, i was the only one who studied hard and they flunked so now only have girls as friends. It just turned out that way (hey, i am not complaining !). As for turning into a girl...I don't worry about that, I am still on the look out for potential gf outside the circle of friends.

As for ideas, I think the photo one is best, get her a nice frame and put some photo montage of her and friends on it. I'll leave the flowers and teddies to her boyfriend.

p.s. I have gotten a girl a vibrator because, and it wasn't for any special occasions, was a joke and it was a really cheap one off the net. She did find it harlious and i knew she would.
Muban said:
If she is a very very good friend then jewellery would be good (but only if you know what she likes). A framed photo of something as already suggested by Lostkat - not a picture of yourselves. She may have a lot of stuff but at 20 years old I bet she doesn't have everything. Just have a browse about looking at cool stuff that doesn't even necessarily have a function. If I knew more about her I would try and make more suggestions. My favourite is always places like Mathmos - yes I know lots of people say wtf why would I buy a girl a lamp - you are buying a really funky cool thing that just happens to be a lamp.

A hint to all the guys here - rampant rabbit as a gift is a really bad idea! Think of it this way - your girlfriend/friend with all good intentions buys you a new gfx card/something for modding your car without asking you first. Whilst the sentiment was nice chances are it might well be not the one you wanted, something you already have a better version of, or plain and simple didn't want one anyway.

Another thought... does she have a favourite set of beauty products (e.g. clinique, dior), they do some lovely sets and can be the sort of thing you would like to buy yourself but don't.

That Mathmos site is FANTASTIC, I want one of those air lamps myself !

EDIT - just ordered one...:D she'll love it.
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Muban said:
:D I know they're great. Now you can get me one too?? :p I have been looking at them for while now but haven't ordered one becuse I can't decide which one I like most! Flask shaped airswitch..... no, the aduki..... no, the tuba....... no, solar eclipse........ no, lunar eclip....... bah decisions decisions, you get the idea. Will order one just as soon as I have made a choice :)

I got the flask version, the red letter ones are out of stock so got a standard plain one. Going to keep this one myself i think to test how easy it is to operate, it could be incredibly tedious comparied to a switch. If i find it ok after a week's trial i'll get her one of those smaller air lamps, i don't think the Flask is her design at all.
Muban said:
:D I know they're great. Now you can get me one too?? :p I have been looking at them for while now but haven't ordered one becuse I can't decide which one I like most! Flask shaped airswitch..... no, the aduki..... no, the tuba....... no, solar eclipse........ no, lunar eclip....... bah decisions decisions, you get the idea. Will order one just as soon as I have made a choice :)

btw, the lamp turned up today and tested it. It took a bit to get used to, and a little practice to get it working like the demo. I got the on/off and dim down working but brighten the light is very tricky, since your hand start low and move up. And as soon as you put the hand low above the lamp it dims a little before it brighten up as you move it away.

It is very cool thou, to have a flask as a lamp AND a hand movement switch.
Here's a pic


I love it now, might keep this myself and get her a different one :p
Muban said:
OOOooo I like it.... dangit, will have to get myself one now :)

A moot point, i've tried waving my mouse mat or a TV remote over it, but it seems only my hand (or human bodyparts) can turn it on and control it...it is a strange technology indeed.
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