What do you guys do with "old" TVs?

1 Jul 2007
I have a 55 inch LG Nanocell for which I paid about £600 back in November 2019. I'm going to upgrade to a 48 inch OLED, partly because the 55 is too big for me, and partly for the picture quality.

I'd usually sell old kit on the MM, but as I don't have the box and would rather not deal with couriers etc, that seems like more hassle than its worth. Equally, it's still a perfectly decent TV for most people, is in good condition, and I don't want to bin it. I assume I could get around £200 for it still, although would be happy enough with £150 to sell it hassle free. Any ideas? Do any AV shops take second hand TVs in part exchange?
Where are you? I need a TV for my shed and that is within budget
SW London (although I'm not sure whether we're allowed to discuss this outside of the MM!).

Thanks for all the replies! Will put it on some sort of local group first up and hope I can find someone who wants it!
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Got an couple of year old 43" being turned into an almost full size virtual pinball machine. :D

Another 42" may become dedicated for lightgun games.

Final one is going to be passed onto the other half's mum. She's currently using a 26" and wouldn't mind the upgrade to a 42" plasma.
I still have my old 32" LCD toshiba, it radiates sone serious heat. Once i finally decide it has no use to the tip for recycling it goes. Hoping my OLED survives just as long.

Furniture style charity shops take big bezzle LCDs still. But a TV as reasonable as yours should shift on facebook easy enough i'd have thought.
An enthusiast is going to pick up my old Panny VT65 plasma soon as a back-up for when his current one dies. Only a 140 mile drive (too risky using a courier as they’re fragile + heavy). Once one of the best TV’s ever made, now worth about 90% less than it cost new. When it comes to tech, very few things are ‘own for life’.
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Took my old panasonic 50" plasma to the tip, tried facebook for free and all i got was will you deliver for free and timewasters. Took it to the tip in the end, so many Plasma TV in the shed for them.
Talking of the tip. It can be less hassle to pay the council to remove. Think it's £15 where i am, just leave it out the front and it'll be gone. Dunno if they all do that service or take everything.
Cheers everyone! The idea of a pinball machine sounds excellent, but I'm definitely lacking both the space and the technical skills!
Took my old panasonic 50" plasma to the tip, tried facebook for free and all i got was will you deliver for free and timewasters. Took it to the tip in the end, so many Plasma TV in the shed for them.
Ugh I know. I don't list for free anymore unless I can just leave whatever it is outside the door and let someone come.

Too many time wasters to bother.

Going to have same issue when getting rid of panny plasma 46in

Who's going to want it with that power draw?

It is crazy. Tvs and sofas seems to have no second hand value. But other things I've sold have barely lost value.
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Samsung had an offer where they gave you money off their new TV if you p/xed your old TV, so win win for me.

Was wondering what to do with an old mahoosive 50" plasma, so this was an offer I couldn't refuse.
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