What do you guys think of this bike?

That's not a Hornet (CB600F), it's a CBF600N which is a different bike. The Hornet is better in most respects (apart from the CBF may have ABS), so if you want a Hornet then hold out for one.

The dealer is certainly living up to his name :D
They're all 'nice' and they're all 'tidy' according to some dealers. It's those dealers I avoid, and as previously mentioned it's not a Hornet. I hate misleading descriptions.
Getting some thing so basic wrong, would not fill me with confidence thats for sure. :p[/url]

As long as you know what you're looking at, it's all good.
I got the bike that carried me through 40,000 miles of adventure and life changes, for an amazing price simply because the dealer had misspelt the name!!
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