What Do You Monitor While Riding?

28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
I've just got a power meter, which means I've got all the date I could want when patched into my Wahoo ELEMNT, with HRM, Power, Gears, Cadence and everything. I'm now wondering what I want on my main screen when riding on the roads.

I know I like to see Speed, HR, Ave HR, Ride Time, Gear, Distance, Cadence... I guess I will add instant power in there?

What do you use?
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I've only got a fairly basic computer, but moving to one with Cadence was a revelation, much better to see that I'm pedalling at the same rate, even if it's because I'm in a lower gear, or against some punishing wind
Yup, thought I'd listed that myself, so have edited it in. It's odd as you almost think you shouldn't need to see and should know, but as you say, it's handy to check your actual cadence.
Main screen is usually map plus cadence and speed, very minimal - I don't train properly so don't put heart rate/zones on the main screen (or have a power meter). Second screen has more stuff such as heart rate, elapsed time, and distance, which I can scroll to every now and again.

I used to have more stuff but ended up looking at the screen too much rather than the road or the countryside. I've done enough riding to be able to pace myself without needing to check heart rate much.
I usually have power, 3 second power, speed, cadence, hr, distance. If I'm following a course then it's just the map. If I'm indoor training its power, 3 second power, power zone, time elapsed, cadence, hr and power pedal left/right balance.
Main screen for me is

Av speed | Ride time
Time | Cadence

Don't even have cadence anymore so should probably get rid of it.

For power I ususally had it on page 2 with a 3s average in big numbers and speed below it.

I try not to look at my computer much, just a glance to see what speed to continue a spell at to not surge. Too many people staring at computers and swerving around the road.
3 Sec Power
Cadence | HR
Ride Time | Distance

I've got another page with time spent in all the different power zones on it, which I use when training outside (a pretty rare occurrence tbh!)
Cadence, Current HR, Power 3s Avg, Current speed (small down the bottom).

I just want to know about right now. I don't want to know anything about the overall ride until the end. I'd rather not know how far I've gone/got to go, how slow my avg speed is etc. I only see those stats occasionally if I go to the summary screen to check the time of day.
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