What do you prefer PLEX or KODI

5 Apr 2014
Evening all just in bit of Dilema. Seen few posts people using the plex app on the samsung smart hub. When i get back from working away. Going to get things finally sorted with me network exc. But im not to sure what to use for the best i have android box with kodi and samsung tv that i could use the plex app. i like plex cause its easier to configure with folders music and movies. But kodi offers more with skins exc. i like the fanfart exc on kodi gives more info and trailers exc more eye candy
Plex because its simplicity encourages me to actually watch and enjoy things, where as with XBMC I was never satisfied with how it looked simply because I knew I could always change it for a new look so ended modding more than than watching.

A bit like Skyrim really! :D

I agree there plex is a lot easier to set up over the network then kodi is. But like you say you can swap and change to much with KODI
Plex is a server which you need on a PC or NAS. But there is 2 plex media players one is PLEX home theatre and the new PLEX media player. i have the home theatre on my pc and it looks great. I had the PLEX android app which i wasn't really keen on the TV. Only downside to the PLEX players there keyboard controlled and no mouse support or remote
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Plex has 2 main advantages over Kodi for most people.

1 It has a lovely server backend that keeps track of where your at in shows and what you have watched , arguably its scrapers and meta data work better but that is indeed arguable.

2 It plays anything you throw at it.

However point 2 is a big part of the issue in that anything that Plex does not like it will transcode sometime subtly altering quality and sometimes not so subtly.

Note simply setting Plex to Direct play will only stop this IF plex recognises the format and plex can be pretty poor with not liking formats.

Frankly for most people this does not matter one bit , a small reduction in quality is just that a small reduction.

Set up perfectly with all your media in the same format there is no reason why Plex can not produce the same quality as Kodi but when stuff is not correct it is much easier to sort with Kodi.

Then we get to the Kodi configuration options for expert users the sort of things that smooth out audio timing issues and 24p syncing , honestly there are whole forums devoted to this stuff and it is much more configurable in Kodi than Plex.

Back to that original quote !

If you cannot tell the difference then do not worry about it, sometimes the enjoyment is not seeing the imperfections.

I had this problem with PLEX and the Android app. There native player did not like MKV and my bigger files which some are over 20gig with HD audio. So might try setting up direct to the tv instead of running them over the network. Tried from my PC to kodi via SMB share and the experience was awful even though i managed to get them to play they was stuttering. Maybe cause the size of the files over the network. If i play them via external HDD into the Android box via KODI no problem at all. One of the main reasons for me not wanting to get a NAS. Even though it be great for storage it would not be powerful enough to transcode. even though i would not need to do it over Home Network. But if i needed to transcode my PC is powerful enough to do that with the i5 4690 processor
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My library is set up on a plex server, but for playing it - Plex through Kodi. I've never ever been able to get Plex to work correctly, it hangs every few minutes when watching a film/tv show direct from the app on my Amazon Fire TV. If however I select the film in Plex and ask it to play through Kodi, it works perfectly. Very very strange.

PLEX android app is awful. Its mainly suited for phones exc not the big screen the experience is not the best. I could never set it up properly at all lolol. I think its something to do with the PLEX native player
Plex, you actually use it rather than keep messing around with skins which are never quite right.

The streaming is good but I just use it as a front end for mpc-hc/mpdn in reality, if its not using madvr etc you just notice the loss in PQ. I wrote an app so I can use my normal media player with the plex interface: https://github.com/Kayomani/PlexExternalPlayer

Looks intresting would i set that up in the PLEX server. Maybe something to use when using the Android App
Prefer plex but wish my NAS could hack it. Might build an HTPC/media server

The very reason i don't wanna take the plunge. Im tempted to get a NAS but my HTPC in our bedroom has an i5 and we use that as the server. i would never be able to get a NAS with same spec. We have Home Theatre on the HTPC and love it
Would i be better off getting a NAS and streaming it to my Samsung PLEX app on the TV or could i just use my PC. Thing is was looking at trying few 3D films on the sammy via PLEX. and not sure if a NAS would be powerful enough to do it. Where as my HTPC would be. There is deffo advantages and disadvantages of me getting one.

1. It would not be as powerful as my HTPC

2. Having a NAS means i could leave it running 24/7
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