What do you think of Virtual destops....... Good or not

17 Dec 2004
Hi guys,, I have just discovered virtual desktops that comes with win10, that lets you use more then 1 desktop.. I am using a 3rd party app called Dexpot thats more advanced then the window 10 built in one.

So what do you think about having more then 1 desktop to work on, is it for you or not?
It's not something I've ever bothered with but maybe that's because I've always got 2+ screens in use, or maybe I don't get the benefits of them.
I find it very useful for conference calls and screen sharing. I can setup all of the things I want a customer to see on desktop #2, and that way I don't have to worry about them seeing something they shouldn't.
I find it very useful for conference calls and screen sharing. I can setup all of the things I want a customer to see on desktop #2, and that way I don't have to worry about them seeing something they shouldn't.

that’s a very good way to use VDs. I don’t use them myself but might start. There’s hot keys isn’t there so you could switch from on desktop to another quickly.
I think another desktop will come in handy for long steam downloads or long downloads in general and my 3d printing app. So basically apps that remain open for a long time, then you dont have loads of tabs across the taskbar.
I've tried but never found them useful on my main desktop systems - just doesn't have the convenience factor for me. But they can be very useful on systems setup for specific purposes or a specific range of tasks. I used to run a game server where one had the actual dedicated game server processes and the other had the frontend for the maintenance and monitoring programs.
Can’t say this is something I would use. As others have said I use three displays for work (1xlaptop screen and 2x Additional monitors) and I have all my stuff spread over them.

For home use I only ever need one display as I’m either gaming or browsing the net.
They are OK when working on a laptop and doing development etc, IDE on one, debugging on another and then device simulation on another etc, very handy, or if working on networks or multiple server consoles, the OSX implementation of this is very slick, much nicer than Windows.

On a desktop I prefer multiple physical displays.
It's good for when a game crashes but the ctrl-alt-delete gets hidden behind the crashed window and Win-d does not minimise it.
Creating a new desktop allows you to then close the crashed game/app
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Pretty sure people are getting confused between Windows Desktops and Windows Virtual Desktop, which are two completely different things
The only confusion is in the name. In windows, windows refers to what you are calling windows desktops as 'virtual desktops' (plural). which of course isn't the same as Windows Virtual Desktop (singular). Everyone here is talking about the former :)
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