What do you think? (Rough Demo)

26 Dec 2004
What do you think so far?

Going into studio on sunday to record drum tracks.

Opinions welcome.


Long Time Dead.

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The vocals sound absolutely fantastic as does the clean guitar. The tone of the guitar verse riff and this riff itself seems a bit uninspired. The end riff bit is just screaming for some speedy triplets put in there (EDIT - Oh, there is some, but one more in there would sound better I think).

On the whole, very very good. :)
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What a cracking singer you've got there.
I don't like the guitar tone, not grinding enough for me for that song.
Obviously it all needs mixing.
Good song too and I'm looking forward to the finished version.
Another agreeing that the singing is very good.

My tips: The thunder storm feels redundant, and a little cliched. Track doesn't need it (my opinion though only)

Too much reverb on the vocals. I know it's only a demo, but keep an eye on that reverb knob in the studio :)

I also don't like the tone of the main guitar. Too squidgy, needs to be a little more defined. What is you guitarist using for his sound? Sounds like some modelling unit. If the studio has a big valve amp, crank that baby up. Plus, double track the guitar and pan them left / right. The single guitar track gives it a narrow feel.

Hope it goes well :)
to critique:

the 'storm' effect... either lose it or fade it out just as you hit a wall off feedback a click or two before the vocals.

Whilst the vocals are very good, stay away from reverb and they seem to need another 10bpm? it may just be me but they seem to jar slightly...as if the whole track just needs to be that little bit faster?

at around 2:30 (after the first "long time dead..."), that NEEDS to be a complete screamer of a pinch harmonic! <3 pinch harmonics ;)

I'd also use it as a key point for either a major speed (or preferably) a timing change. a couple of nice polyrhythmic changes during the middle of the song would help carry it (and allow the drums to shine ;)).

the guitars are crying out to be cranked through a heavily overdriven valve amp to beef them up...and perhaps a bit of variation? they seem to plod a bit?

but overall a good song...which could be a very good song if you go well from here on in.


agree with some of the comments.. singing is very good but the guitars sound kinda flat......
reminded me of queensryche in a way (thats a good thing imo)
anyway, i wish you the best of luck with your venture.
I've been on an early nineties kick all day...

so that means lots of:

dub war
pitch shifter
alice in chains



may I suggest that you buy 'cleansing' by prong?

other than being a classic album, I really feel that its production and sound would work very well for tracks like the one you have posted.

the guitar sound in particular is spot-on.

*n (you want the good life, you break your back, you snap your fingers, you snap your neck...)
As penski said, get a monster pinch harmonic in at 2.25 or near there instead of the slide or whatever's in there at the moment.

Could do with a different guitar tone though imo, sounds like a cross between a DIed Metal Zone and Guitar Pro's midi distortion guitar sound. Really robotic and dead sounding.

Singer is awesome though.
Disaster And Success..

Was in the studio yesterday (self built by numerous members of the band "Mandura")

And The Alesis Firewire Mixer/Soundcard Died.

we got one track of drums recorded and nailed so we might have one new song for you all to sample pretty damn soon!

sounding really good too, only 8 channels used to record the kit.

but sound is really crisp and powerful too.

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