What do you think?

so u think its not chav cos i dont think at all its just nice and suttle.

Just nice styling not ott

Insurance is 1036 on mums with 2yncb with the wheels,body kit and lowered told to insurnace company.

Hes bought it!

more pics here Linky2
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we live in an ok area, my dad has bought it for him, i was on my mums for 2 years so thats where the ncb has come from so its better for him.

yes it is with asda, if it wasnt modified would be 700 with them or 400 on tesco for none modified
Sp00n said:
Its a nice car, but i don't reckon it will stay in one piece very long and boo for not getting own insurance

own insurance are u crazy for a standard fiesta its 2k on his own what would it b on his own with mods 3k?
whats wrong with having it insured under some one else's name? its not exactly illegal. its just that he will loose out on ncb he will just have to make the move at 18. is there any companies that would carry ncb rom bikes because hes had a bike for a year?
y dont u think every1 is bent over a barrel with insurance no i dont like it either its just a thing that every 1 has to do, and finding the best way possible in this case its not worth it to go on his own.

Yes same your car is nice, i asked about the engine because i know some one who put a racing puma engine into his fiesta.

yeh its not every ones cup of tea at all but theres not many cars that are.
ive never said he wasnt a main driver, i dont know if he said that or not but he wont be using it all the time just most.

I like that car, i love those wheels. So u met the owner however we havnt met him yet until tomorrow when we go down.
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