What do you use to clean your monitors with?

Use something called ecomoist from rainforest. With microfibre cloth works perfect, drys quick and leaves no streaks or marks.
Do people just keep reusing the cloth, or give it a rinse in water to "clean" it? Can't imagine washing machine would be good, possible detergent to screen contamination ;)
The best screen cleaners are not getting the monitor dirty in the first place ;)

In most cases monitors should not get any significant amount of dirty spots, just here and there layers of dust particles - which are removed very easily with a dry cloth.
No liquid is usually needed, except in cases when there are fingerprints but then, just use ordinary liquid for mirrors/windows.
In most cases monitors should not get any significant amount of dirty spots, just here and there layers of dust particles - which are removed very easily with a dry cloth.
No liquid is usually needed, except in cases when there are fingerprints but then, just use ordinary liquid for mirrors/windows.

no no no no no :P plz i hope your not talking about windex or similar.. unless your still using a CRT of course.
I use my glasses cleaning solution. Squirt a bit onto a microfibre cloth, and not against the screen itself, and then gently rub.
After seeing Ecomoist so much in this thread I decided to buy some, and it was delivered 30mins ago and have already used it to clean my 2 monitors. Very happy with the result. I've used other cleaners and plain ole' water and neither compare to the efficiency and ease of use of Ecomoist.

Does ecomoist do disposable wipes?

They come with microfiber cloths.
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