What do you use to keep notes and references

5 Dec 2004
Hey all,

Im starting a post grad degree next week and ive been told that there is going to be a substantial amount of reading / referencing / note taking during the research years. Just wondering what applications you use for this task? Is One Note any good?
I've been using OneNote lately - its great for collating information, well better than just using Word at least.
None, I just learned how to do it. The first couple of essays, etc. took quite some time to reference but I found by the end of my course I could do them in seconds, as was the case for my final-year project.
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Hey all,

Im starting a post grad degree next week and ive been told that there is going to be a substantial amount of reading / referencing / note taking during the research years. Just wondering what applications you use for this task? Is One Note any good?

Bibex is the key.
I use Jabref sometimes but usually find just using your favourite text editor (I use emacs) is quicker and easier.

There are some useful auto bibtex generators: http://www.cs.usyd.edu.au/~niu/cgi-bin/springer.cgi

And a I have a Javascript for IEEE articles.
Most websites will also give a a bibtex file, or you can spend 30s and write the entry by hand.

Inclusion within Latex is then super simple, clean and flexible. I don't know anyone at post-grad level who does not do this.
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