What do you use YOUR macbook for?

16 Apr 2007
Greetings mac folk!

I come from the other side (PC)...
As you may have noticed from my other thread - I am considering a macbook.

However, so many people are using macbooks these days, I cant help but wonder what you all do on them!

So... my question is:

What do you use your macbook for?! Do you use it as a full on computer, or just for when your out and about? Where do you use your macbook?

Thank you mac folk ;)

[Robster];10375262 said:
I use mine for everything other than gaming... much nicer browsing wireless from the sofa than sitting at a desk :)
This is probably what I'll use my mac most for - just chilling out on the sofa and surfing the net. However, I quite like the idea of using a few games... How do games run on the mac, I mean performance wise? I've seen they sell games such as Quake 4, how does it run? Is there a website where there are benchmarks to view?

By the way, it's interesting to see what you all use yours for :) Thanks for your inputs :) If there are anymore mac users, feel free to show yours off and tell me what you use them for ^_^

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