What else can i get out of my pc?

4 Sep 2005
Hey all

Every night now.. i find myself doing this and that to my pc trying to make it perform its best.

Tbh its at its prime, and i cant really do much more. I'm getting bored and i want something else out of my pc :( I just play games every night, and i'm getting sick of it.

I need something constructive to do, and before anyone mentions it, i dont wanna get into that folding malarky :p

What does everyone else do with their pc apart from game?

Forums MSN and Googling things that are on my mind.
That's what i do.
No gaming at all last couple of days so i could do with a few more things so will keep an eye on this thread.
I forgot tweaking but then i am pretty maxxed out with my old rig anyways.
well i would buy a new game, mod case , go shopping for hardware to make it faster. Is your job related to computing? do some thing to do with that, theres plenty to do.
Angelos_n said:
well i would buy a new game, mod case , go shopping for hardware to make it faster. Is your job related to computing? do some thing to do with that, theres plenty to do.

Case is modded already :p

No job (school) so that means no money for hardware + games.. not plenty to do :(
i use my rig for mindless repettative tasking which is what they're designed for, things like, downloading large files, encoding DVDs, re-encoding music and video files.

what i used to do was set it running then go out and when i came back it'd finished, or i'd leave it running over night

unfortunatly now, it's a 3 year old system that's not had a C: format for ages and the last time i did i kinda messed it up by overtweeking it, so now i cant run any games at all, not even halflife (yes i mean the original) and even media player causes it to become unstable, i'm sure a format would solve it but i just cant be doing without my PC right now, and i cant even borrow my mums because she's become obsessed with it too
It's happened again guys.. i'm bored :(

I've tampered with my case a bit.. but thats about it.. i'm getting uber bored with my computer now...
Ahhh you beat me to it but i'll say it anyway....

Go and get a girlfriend....then it wont be long before you'll be looking at ways to sneak back on the computer without getting an ear bashing!
benjo said:
Lol i have a girlfriend, but she's busy with sport :(

Just tell her that you're her new sport ;) - if she doesn't understand then fire punch her in the baby makers and tell he that she can die in the face.

/Girl Master Mode.
Buy a nice camera and photoshop and start doing photography. It's really fun to see what you can come up with and make some nice pics.
Failing that, join a clan to make your gaming life a bit more fun? OcUK are making a BF2 clan I believe...
have you ever tried raytracing?

here are some amazing examples of what you can do with it.

if you've not heard of it, check it out on google. I've only just got into it and haven't been able to spend as much time as I'd like to yet. but seriously, give it a few hours and you'll be making images that will really impress yourself.
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