What film was this?

27 Mar 2013
Weird thread I know but its been plaguing my mind all morning and my google fu is failing so hoping one of you may know.

Must have been back in 2004 I was staying at my aunts one weekend and we stayed up late watching TV. I can't for the life of me remember the film I just remember the scene that scarred me for life :P

A woman in a white dress runs back and forth across the screen a couple of times, there was crowds in the scene and it was on grass. She the jumps at the camera. Vague and pretty much all I remember. I could also be misremembering some details as I was like 8 at the time. For some reason i think they was at horse races or something like that but that could just be me linking crowds on grass here.

Anyone got any ideas or this scene ring a bell? Its driving me crazy.
The Ring ?

A woman in a white dress runs back and forth across the screen a couple of times, there was crowds in the scene and it was on grass. She the jumps at the camera.

Was it a wedding scene? Could it have been a repeat of the 1995 Pride & Prejudice mini-series?
Why is it everyone remembers films when they where a kid. I had loads of days where I would wake up trying to remember a film.

I have no idea what this might be, was it a horror film?

I figured the woman in white jumping at the camera and scarring me said that but yes it was a horror.
Was it a wedding scene? Could it have been a repeat of the 1995 Pride & Prejudice mini-series?

As above it was a horror
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