What folding project is right for me?

16 Jun 2011
Hi guys

sorry i'm a little new to this

I'm running fx-8350 5ghz on 8 cores and a hd7970 1.1ghz/1.5ghz. 16gb ddr3 1600.

I know it's no mining rig, just my desktop, but I might only use it 2-3 hours a day with all the time i'm at work at the moment, the rest of the time it could be folding.

I've just started doing F@H and thought i was doing ok with 20k ppd but i've read some people are getting way more, even with similar stuff. Someone told me it's F@H that doesn't work well with amd stuff, so my question is which project will best use my hardware?

i dont have a bitcoin wallet or anything i'm just doing this to help out. any advice would be great! thanks!
i literally started folding last week. i've just been doing it on my own at the moment, i don't know anyone else really that does it =X

does being in a team help the work more?
i don't know if I actually do get 20kppd, its just what F@H says at the bottom, but i'm sure there are days less/more WU get finished than others.
weirdly my SMP has stopped working all together.

no crashes, no errors reported, it's simply not folding

has been on 0.00% for hours and is listed as running.

any ideas?

OC is very mild and prime tested for 24 hrs.
omg stop pushing it =P

once i get up to speed and can put in some 24/7 work i'll pick a team (yes probably yours since you're helping me). right now i'm getting thru the teething problems and not leaving computer on all day so i dont wanna commit yet.

i ran a prime95 today for over 10 hours and nothing wrong at all. would me having page file turned off be affecting this at all? got 16gb 1600 ddr3 so figured i didn't need pgfile =X
done and done, until i can figure out why F@H keeps randomly freezing progress for hours at a time i wont be using that again, BOINC willl have to do =]
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