What gamepad/gaming-keyboard do you use?

1 Mar 2004
Farnborough, Hants
I've just put Vista on my machine (dual boot) and my N50 Nostromo doesnt seem to work anymore (it doesnt in XP x64 either). Its made me think that perhaps now is the time to either find an alternative or go back to using a keyboard like most normal people :p

With that in mind, I wondered what everyone else was using? I primarily play fps games, and I've found the Nostromo superb since my MOHAA days (obviously a console-style pad would be useless).

What about everyone else?
james.miller said:
everybody else uses a keyboard and mouse lol

I know, i'm odd ;)

But in all seriousness I've found the Nostromo to be really good, because keyboard buttons arent placed in vertical straight lines, and I only have little hands :( Trouble is, i suspect Belkin have given up development on the drivers for it (no x64 for example) and so come Vista I'll have to go back to using a K/B (no mean feat after 5+ years of using the n50!)
Zacko said:
No problems here, all brilliant and definatly helped in games (higher scores etc)

I've got not problems with gameplay, I've just found the nostromo really comfortable for gaming, and wondered what everyone else was using (especially as support for the N50 seems to have ended :()

Mouse wise I use an MX510 and an icemat, K/B is a Logitech media (iirc).

Just looking for inspiration on a replacement (or pursuasion to go back to using a K/B :p)
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