What games does your m-ITX system run adequately?

29 Jun 2005
Last night I tried installing Battlefield 2142 onto my Zotac 9300-itx system and it ran surprisingly well on high settings at 1280 x 768 (I know that's not exactly a super resolution, but it's enough to look pretty decent on my 720p telly!). It was a bit jerky, but that's possibly down to my 2GB of ram (some of which is used by the 9300 gpu).
Once I get up to 4GB again I'll see if I'm right, but all I wanted it to run was that and King's Bounty (which also runs well at that resolution), so I'm happy as larry!
Anyway, I noticed when I was researching my build that there's not much info on specific games and how they run for m-ITX systems, so thought I'd start a thread to possibly give a bit of info to those who are looking into it.

My system spec:

E6300 @ 2.1GHz
2 x 1GB Geil Ultra CAS4 RAM
320GB 3.5" 7200.10 SATA2 HDD
Zotac 9300-ITX wifi
On-board graphics
On-board sound
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