What games for a laptop

1 Dec 2005
Stoke on Trent

This laptop im using has a pentium-m 1.5ghz, 512mb ram and S3 mirage intergrated gfx.

Anyone know of any decent, preferrably free, ganmes that i can get to play on it.

Im sure i saw a site a while ago a site that i could get oldish games for free, i got ufo enemy unknown and transport tycoon from it.

anyway, is the spec above up to Theme Park/Hospital, the original Rollercoaster tycoon?
MeatLoaf said:
Ive removed the link but its abondonware so i assumed it was free?

It's a grey area. Technically all the games are still under copyright, even if the copyright owners aren't doing anything with them these days. So technically abandonware is illegal, but a lot of people have a moral feeling that it shouldn't be. Mods don't have time for the hassle so it's barred from the forums.
Well ive managed to dig up my transport tycoon, rollercoaster tycoon and worms world party cds.

Some great games there.
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