This laptop im using has a pentium-m 1.5ghz, 512mb ram and S3 mirage intergrated gfx.
Anyone know of any decent, preferrably free, ganmes that i can get to play on it.
Im sure i saw a site a while ago a site that i could get oldish games for free, i got ufo enemy unknown and transport tycoon from it.
anyway, is the spec above up to Theme Park/Hospital, the original Rollercoaster tycoon?
This laptop im using has a pentium-m 1.5ghz, 512mb ram and S3 mirage intergrated gfx.
Anyone know of any decent, preferrably free, ganmes that i can get to play on it.
Im sure i saw a site a while ago a site that i could get oldish games for free, i got ufo enemy unknown and transport tycoon from it.
anyway, is the spec above up to Theme Park/Hospital, the original Rollercoaster tycoon?