What games to 'train' myself in VR

12 May 2011
I've ordered a Quest 2, fancy headstrap and PC link cable.

I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to motion sickness so I'm after some recommendations about what games I should play to begin with, either from the oculus store or steam.

I get motion sickness with reading the in the car, so my eyes telling me I am still and everything else telling me I am moving. VR is the other way around!
Well it arrived today and I am immediately sold by the potential by the built in play room thing on the oculus! I did it for about 15 minutes before stopping. I felt sick before even starting just by thinking about feeling sick! I didn't feel that bad during it (it got better actually) but started feeling weird after 15 mins so I'm giving it a rest for a bit.

I'll download the beatsabre demo and give that a go later.
I gave it another go just not and didn't feel bad at all on Superhot, I just stopped so I wasn't "pushing my luck". I think it helped that I was moving a little, on the spot, so my eyes and body were in agreement about what was happening :D
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