what GPU in 24" imac

18 Feb 2007
im looking at getting a new 24" iMac to replace a 17" G5 iMac, i want to use it for a bit of windows gaming aswell to replace my normal windows desktop but dont know much about mac GPUs, i was looking at the GT 130 or the 4850, but some reviews say that the 4850 is slower than the 130, and others say its faster. games ill be playing include UT3, COD4, WOW, and Left 4 Dead
Ive just made a very similar thread :)

Thats the thing with the internet these days, you get that bogged down in reviews and x said this and y said that, I for one go round in cirlces and get more confused :>

(sorry I cant advise you)

I'd go with the 4850. It's the best of the available options and will be as future proof as possible. I think I may have just typed that elsewhere ;)
From what I've read I think the 120 is on par with a 2600XT which is quite a bit faster than a 2600 Pro from these benchmarks.

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