What happens if you miss your DPD delivery?

20 Oct 2002
As above, I can't seem to find anything on their site. Can you arrange for redelivery on another day or do you have to schlep over to your nearest depot? Mine is a train ride away so I really don't want to have to do that...

Reason I ask is because I'm RMA'ing something but I'm away all this coming week, so I'm worried the replacement will be sent whilst I'm still away..

You should have gotten a card with all the options on that. One of them is collect from depot which is what I always do. You go to the DPD website and using your card number you arrange a time and date you will collect it.
Yeah that's what I don't want to do, the depot is all the way in Southall!

I was hoping to build my new machine next weekend, but I got the wrong CPU and the SSD I wanted was out of stock. I'm away until Saturday so unfortunately I just won't be able to takesdelivery of either the CPU replacement (or the SSD if it comes into stock). Safer to wait and get them delivered to work next week I think. Have to be patient for another week, boo :(
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