What happens if....

1 Dec 2005
my mobo jsut decides to break... and i got loads of important stuff on my HDD. wen i get a new mobo, but mite be a different mobo coz i dont trust foxconn anymore, will it still be able to boot back into windows for me to backup the stuff? or will i ahve to get a second hdd and use my current one as slave?

also can sata drives be set as slaves? coz unlike ide its 1 hdd per channel...

thanks RK
thanks for thereply

i got a few IDE hard disc lying around at home, if i install windows onto one of those, then can i then access my SATA drive thru windows and back it up that way?

or if i buy a new sata drive (which i was plnning to go raid anyways) and plug that in as my boot up drive and install windows on that. will this work??
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