Thought this might be interesting..
We learn and absorb new information all day every day but there's random little lessons or tidbits that you come across every now and then, some that you really should've known.
I'll start..
I just learned that Sutherland is a county in northern Scotland. I know right? Lived here my whole life, travelled up north more times than I can remembered but always thought Sutherland was in England (maybe confused by Sunderland)
This week I also discovered that in Chess, the word Rook has nothing to do with a castle. It comes from the Persian word rukh, which means chariot. The design was changed in medieval Europe at some point to the tower we know today.
That’s all that comes to mind at the moment, though I’m sure there’s more.
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We learn and absorb new information all day every day but there's random little lessons or tidbits that you come across every now and then, some that you really should've known.
I'll start..
I just learned that Sutherland is a county in northern Scotland. I know right? Lived here my whole life, travelled up north more times than I can remembered but always thought Sutherland was in England (maybe confused by Sunderland)
This week I also discovered that in Chess, the word Rook has nothing to do with a castle. It comes from the Persian word rukh, which means chariot. The design was changed in medieval Europe at some point to the tower we know today.
That’s all that comes to mind at the moment, though I’m sure there’s more.
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