What headphones for a bassjunkie?

30 Nov 2007
west london
I’m looking to downsize from the Bose triports I got to in ear ones
I did own a set of Sony MDR-EX71SL and they were nice but the buds kept getting stuck in my ear after a few months,
I guess I got about £40-50 to spend,
I am a bit of a basshead and the Sennheiser CX 300 looks good and I hear people on here raving about them but I want another opinion :p

thanks ;)
These cheap Sony MDR-EX71SL's and Sennheiser CX 300's on eBay, are they fakes or something?
i have the Sennheiser hd 212's which were sold to me on the basis of great bass reproduction.

here is a frequency chart for the 212's

im very pleased with them, but maybe your looking for something with even more kick down the low end.
Totally useless post, but check out the Darth Beyers.

Woodied DT770s, and make every other headphone ive heard sound like ibuds in the bass department.
Ah yes vegetarian, nice find mate. Mine have been providing me with great listening pleasure ever since, I re-done it last week and gave them a try without, my god it was awful. Shrink rap works a treat. Someone should have a word with Sony.

Hmmm Someone could try - remember it took 7 years of complaining for sony to ditch sonicstage... I think cling film is the easy way out ;)
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