Burly said:
I've always thought headphones produce better sound quality? Not really too bothered with them being big and around the head.
Also I heard headphones dont damage your hearing as much as earphones?
Thats what I've allways thought also

Koss Porta Pro's, Can be googled for as low as £19inc VAT
I'm a little bias when it come to these headphones as I just love them full stop, I think for under thirty quid your be hard pressed to find anythink that sounds as nice as these, very very nice base, most people I've gave them to for an audition have been very impressed, nice wide sound stage also, the styling's not to some peoples taste but dam they are comfy, the extra pads that rest just above your ear really makes a difference.
SENNHEISER PX 100, Can be googled for as low as £25inc VAT
Pretty similar to the koss porta pros, a tad better in the mids, not at as warm sounding or basey as the porta pro's either and even the sound stage is not as wide but saying that the quiality for the money is very good, I'd go so far as to say that the sound quality is just a bit better on the px-100's but I prefer the way the sound is delevered on the porta pro's. The px-100's also fold up very neatly into a hardend plastic case, sounds gimicky but actually they very easy to fold and still quite robust depsite having this added feature