What Headphones..

Have you got the HD555s? I'm getting them as an alternative to my seperates system to use with my laptop at uni, hows the quality going to compare?
The Sennheisers blow everything else I have listened to away. However I'm yet to get a chance to properly listen to some decent speakers. I'm still using some old ones as that is all I have had, off to check out a few speakers next weekend hopefully.

I've not really got much to compare against, but from what I understand they should match a half decent hifi for quality.
Sennheisers do a huge range of headphones. Not every set is good and different sets have very different characteristics.
I'm afraid you will never know which is best until you have listened to both.

I know a lot of people like Sennheiser headphones, and recently people have taken a liking to the Goldrings, but I have tried both and still use my AKG 240s.

It's all about personal preference as they all have a different sort of sound.

None are the "best" imo.
Sennheisers do a huge range of headphones. Not every set is good and different sets have very different characteristics.
Yeah I'd definately agree with that I got some sporty ones and the bass was an absolute pile of ****. To make up for it I went for some IEM's and I've got ultimate ears super fi 5 pros now :D.
Try getting some second hand senn's!

Spend as much as you can and you will not be disapointed.

I was using Senn HD650's until I replaced them with Grado GS1000's, the Senn 650's are very good value for money new, circa £190.00 (I know, out of budget). If you can pick up a second hand pair go for them!

These will sound better as you upgrade your source and will be difficult to beat in the years to come
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