What if classic photographers posted online?

/humour failure warning/

I do appreciate the sattire but just because someone was famous doesn't necessarily make all their work good, even if it may have been the work which made them famous.

The only two photos on there I actually like and wish I'd taken, and as a consequence think are any good, are the ones by Bill Brandt and Sam Abell. The rest would have been straight into the recycle bin, especially that tricycle and hairstyle. Just my opinion :D
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Just shows how personal the whole idea of Photography is. Very funny to read, however some media i.e. sports are a little more obvious in whether the photo is good or not...would you not agree?
Excellent :D I do sometimes wonder at the comments on the web. I think the main problem is people gain a little knowledge from books and websites and then get stuck on the "rules" of what makes a good picture. I liked the comment where he lists all his camera kit at the end of the criticism ;)

They probably would all lose marks here though because I doubt any of them used Canon ;)
freebooter said:
Excellent :D I do sometimes wonder at the comments on the web. I think the main problem is people gain a little knowledge from books and websites and then get stuck on the "rules" of what makes a good picture. I liked the comment where he lists all his camera kit at the end of the criticism ;)

I loved that touch too. Its definitely true though. You get to a point where you know the technicalities behind a good photo. There are times where you should use that knowledge to critique someone's work and times where you should just be impressed. I'm currently making an effort to remind myself to take nice pictures and to appreciate others work more. I do find myself going "crop, remove that, white balance, etc blah." I'm experimenting more with randomness and trying to learn that photography isn't a DSLR.
TomWilko said:
sports are a little more obvious in whether the photo is good or not...would you not agree?
Not really, the only person qualified to say whether or not a photo is good or not is the person who took it, based on whether or not they like it.

Here's another link off that site


The thing I find funny there is that there a pile of people who are saying the photo is art just because it was taken by HCB. The fact that a lot of people don't like it, or the flaws in it, is regarded as heresy and they are condemned as stupid. That happens to be one of the very few photos of his I do like but to criticise people for not liking it, or pointing out it's shortcomings, is ridiculous. In just the same way as it's ridiculous to say that just because HCB took it it must be brilliant.
I actually used to pay for access to some private photography forums, but eventually left because people were obsessed with kit and theory, and in general they lost the point that a good photo is a good photo. Just because you don't like it (or do like it), it doesn't mean others will have the same opinion. Take "modern art" for example, I really think people behind that should be shot :p
I think this is really an interesting point, and one I've seen before as an editorial in an old photography mag.
Some guy wrote in about a picture by a well known photographer that had been in the previous issue.
The copy had raved over it, but this guy pointed out that if he'd sent in the very same picture, they would almost certainly have pointed out the post growing out of the main subjects head.

Anyway, I don't have that picture to show you.

I think this uncovers an interesting aspect of photography in that there are definatley too sides. There is the technical quality of capturing a scene, a side in which people can tend to get obsesive over kit, and there is the artistic side too.
Now if you take a technically bad photo, that's a shame (unless you've chosen to for some artistic reasons).

However if you've made an 'artistic statement' with an image, you have to accept that as with all art, some people will like it and others will not.

Photographers/Artists arn't specifically trying to make popular images, often they want to challenge and unsettle you.

Sorry, this is straying into a treatise on art. So i'll stop :)

Take pictures! Enjoy pictures!
Pretty funny and typical of most forums I read.

Photography is personal to me, I'm not trying to capture what you want to see I'm capturing what I'm seeing.
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