I think this is really an interesting point, and one I've seen before as an editorial in an old photography mag.
Some guy wrote in about a picture by a well known photographer that had been in the previous issue.
The copy had raved over it, but this guy pointed out that if he'd sent in the very same picture, they would almost certainly have pointed out the post growing out of the main subjects head.
Anyway, I don't have that picture to show you.
I think this uncovers an interesting aspect of photography in that there are definatley too sides. There is the technical quality of capturing a scene, a side in which people can tend to get obsesive over kit, and there is the artistic side too.
Now if you take a technically bad photo, that's a shame (unless you've chosen to for some artistic reasons).
However if you've made an 'artistic statement' with an image, you have to accept that as with all art, some people will like it and others will not.
Photographers/Artists arn't specifically trying to make popular images, often they want to challenge and unsettle you.
Sorry, this is straying into a treatise on art. So i'll stop
Take pictures! Enjoy pictures!