What in gods name!!

2 Jul 2008
Is going on now?

Just got a new case (lian -li V2100+) to house 5870 ati card and have loads of room.

Core I7 bundle at 4ghz megahalem with noctua push pull.

everything running sweet. Thought I'd better check temps were ok.
Run prime for a minute and whoosh, straight up to 85 82 82 79.

I'm always having this kind of grief nothing ever just works.
I have re pasted with a fine veneer AS5 (been here before) and no difference.

Cant see whats caused that its hardly even warm in the case and the cpu heat pumps straight out the back so doubt its new case.
Maybe not meant to be.
What about these new mini water coolers that I ve seen lately would they do the job??
Sorry for whinge etc.
ok idle temps this morning 44 38 41 35.
Gonna leave it. Its not like gaming or video encoding stress it like prime does anyway.
Thanks for reassurance.
I reckon a couple of faster fans would shift more air and maybe cool it more.
These noctuas on run at 1300 rpm full tilt?
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