What information do you take down if another vehicle hits you?

22 Jan 2005
West London
Well no I've not been hit by another vehicle, but incase I do when I'm out about and driving, I was wondering what vital information I should write down before the person involve be's an idiot and drives off.

So far I can think of:
- Driver name
- Driver address
- Driver insurance company
- Car manufacturer
- Car model
- Car colour
- Car registration
- Date, time, road name
- Pictures of the incident

Anything else?
LOL, Reminds me of when someone banged into my car. The only thing I could find to write on was an old petrol receipt :o Small writing would be an understatement :p
Also, is it necessary to get the police involved for something as simple as a rear end accident at a juntion.

The number of times I've been held up only to reach the incident and see two people stood on the side of the road waiting for what I guess is the police. No one is injured and both cars look driveable, just minor dents.

If the two drivers are disputing who was at fault can they not at least move their cars out of the way. Do they really need to preserve the evidence when it's obvious which car went into the back of the other.
I didn't ring the Police when a transit van smashed into my 205 when I was waiting at a set of traffic lights. There's no need, it's just a waste of their time.

Only ring if you suspect they're on something or if they are being a pain the arse.
I've been involved in 2 accidents at juntions, one my fault. On both occassions the poilce weren't called and the only bits of information exchanged were license plates, name and address.

The insurance company did the rest.

But if someone is driving around with a false number plate and gives you a dodgy address then I guess you are screwed :)
I rang the police when I was rear ended.

I wanted to get the debris swept out of the road so that another accident did not happen and also i wasn't sure what to do and couldn't get hold of my Dad.
Not sure if you're talking to me but I'll answer anyway.

I drove my 205 home with my dad following close behind me.

When I crashed my 306 it was a write-off and the woman called the Police because my car was in the middle of the road, and there was fluids and stuff on the road.

She asked me if I knew how to call the Police aswell lol, bless :)
If your talking to me then yes I did drive home, suspension was knocking on the back but bumper and light were in the road so i called 999 to get it sweeped up.

If I didnt call and the debris caused another accident then i would feel bad.
Sorry, was asking Tesla.

If your suspension was damaged and a rear light missing shouldn't the poilce have stopped you from driving your car away. You would have been a danger to yourself and other road users. I never did find out what happened to you car. I guess you got it repaired as it's still in your sig.
The very first thing I'd take down is their numberplate in case they decide to do a runner!
Cheers guys, just came up with another one that could be useful - the drivers home/work/mobile number just incase.

I personally never thought of ringing the police, unless it's a serious accident then ofcourse, but otherwise, I feel like I'll be wasting Police time - imagine everyone doing it if they have a little bump. Just out of curiosity, those who did call the Police down, how do you think you would have dealt with the situation without the Police?
Apart from him number plate, how do you know if any of the other bits of info the other driver give you are real.

I'd just make a note of the number plate and let the insurance company find out who owner of the other car is.
Mujja said:
Apart from him number plate, how do you know if any of the other bits of info the other driver give you are real.

I'd just make a note of the number plate and let the insurance company find out who owner of the other car is.

Very true.

Are there any laws out there which prevents this from happening?
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