What is Gatwick MC? EBay purchase

25 Aug 2006
Bought a Nespresso Aeroccino 4 from EBay from a seller with 100% feedback for 500+ items.

Seller is based in Chichester and looking at the tracking history:

Tracking history​

Wednesday 13 November 2024
Item Received
Gatwick MC
Tuesday 12 November 2024
Sender has despatched item

Is Gatwick MC just a sorting area or is this for international mail sorting? Just thinking the item may have been sent from overseas - wrong plug, fake item etc.

Don't worry about it, just wait until the item arrives and see if it's ok.

If it's not, raise it with eBay.

If it's OK, no dramas.

No point stressing over 'what if' before it even arrives.
Would not worry about it it's just a mail sorting depot, it may be used a lot for international parcels due to its location but I doubt they don't also process in country post
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It's Gatwick Mail Centre in Crawley. The nearest mail centres to Chichester are Southampton and Gatwick so it's very reasonable for it to have gone there. The international stuff goes through HWDC in Slough.

Ah, nice one!!! Unless you are the seller you sneaky devil.
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