What is it with shuttles? Just lost an sn45g

19 Oct 2002
The land of Cows n Grass!
Im really annoyed with shuttle, their products are crap imho
I fitted an xp2400 into an sn45gv3 and its been fine until today I noticed it wouldnt hold the bios settings, then slowly things started going awry with bsod's and page faults all over the shop

Dropped into the bios and noticed the settings were all wrong so I put them back to where they should be and poof... dead shuttle

Tried erverything, reseating the cpu, new bios battery, different psu, different ram, different gfx etc

Nothing I do will make it come back :( is it me or are these shuttles just plain bad?
I changed the cpu's over, put the first cpu I used back in which was a duron 1300 and tried to get it to post, what i dont get is this little light on the motherboard comes on green, the shuttle will start up but nothing will happen and the ice fan stays on constant

I might try one more cmos battery but I doubt this thing will come back to life :(
In the same boat as you guys :(

I bought the shuttle with a faulty board, then sourced a new board and thats quickly died. I will now focus on buying an aria and fitting an athlon64 like I should have from the start

In total I have blown:

Dead shuttle - £40
New board (Now dead) - £70
XP2400 - £25
Dvd writer - £27

Talk about peeved lol
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