What is that song !

4 Mar 2004
Hemel Hempstead, Herts, U
I have heard it get a bit of airplay recently.

Its a remixed version of a song from the 50s i think.... cant remember the name lol

If you guess this then fair play to you lol
siloleth said:
I have heard it get a bit of airplay recently.

Its a remixed version of a song from the 50s i think.... cant remember the name lol

If you guess this then fair play to you lol
Hum a few bars? Remember any words?
What a rubbish thread i do appologise..

I cant even hum a few words to be honest - i just remember hearing it and liking it.

Maybe its the Foundations or someone like that ?

Sorry :p
Beautiful girls by Sean Kingston

Hidious piece of music.....it should be illigal to sample a classic like Stand by Me to make this junk.
MookJong said:
Beautiful girls by Sean Kingston

Hidious piece of music.....it should be illigal to sample a classic like Stand by Me to make this junk.

Nah its not that but thanks anyway !
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