What is the best headset to get for about 100 quid?

2 Nov 2015
I have been debating between HyperX Cloud II or the Logitech G633 Artemis Spectrum Pro but I am open to suggestions even headphones that don't have a mic but I do however prioritise headsets just for ease of use.
Painful £100? Christ thats not far off HD595 HD598 and when you go there you are into Audiophile entry quality compared to what you mentioned is downright offensive to even name Sennheiser. And you will take care of them and make them last and buy replacement parts and maybe even mods?

Siberia break and i bet thats your £100 tin headphone :)
Painful £100? Christ thats not far off HD595 HD598 and when you go there you are into Audiophile entry quality compared to what you mentioned is downright offensive to even name Sennheiser. And you will take care of them and make them last and buy replacement parts and maybe even mods?

Siberia break and i bet thats your £100 tin headphone :)

I'm sorry, could you possibly try to reply in a more coherent sentence?

It's making my brain hurt trying to decipher this mess.

There's something about HD595's but then you seem to go off tangent a bit and claim it's offensive to mention Sennheiser? What?

As for the final sentence; Yes, I promise I will take care of them. Whatever "they" may be....

....Which brings us back to the OP's original question.
Err this from the guy who types in lines? Sorry if you are too silly to google what HD598 are then tough you would have seen they are Sennheiser and probably the best you could hope to buy.

I mean seriously are you that slow you cannot google the numbers and see its made by Sennheiser? So obviously this would explain why it is offensive to name Siberia with Sennheiser. Its two complete different markets as i said one is rubbish the other is audiophile. And now you can go do the rest of the homework for being rude.
Err this from the guy who types in lines? Sorry if you are too silly to google what HD598 are then tough you would have seen they are Sennheiser and probably the best you could hope to buy.

I mean seriously are you that slow you cannot google the numbers and see its made by Sennheiser? So obviously this would explain why it is offensive to name Siberia with Sennheiser. Its two complete different markets as i said one is rubbish the other is audiophile. And now you can go do the rest of the homework for being rude.


Must try harder.
If you don't require a microphone, you will get much better quality audio with dedicated headphones.

Open backs generally offer the best quality sound, you could look at some Grado's or Beyer DT990's for example.
The downside is that they offer no isolation from outside sounds, so you really need to use them in quiet environments.

If you go for a closed back design, there are a lot more options.

I would recommend a closed back studio/monitoring design. Personally I find they give more detail than audiophile cans, which are designed to give a pleasant audio experience, rather than necessarily accuracy.

Sennheiser has been mentioned and they do make some great cans. I would also recommend looking at Beyer (DT770), KRK (KNS 8400), Audio Technica (ATH M50x), Shure (SRH840).

Good luck!

Must try harder.

Is that it? A correction in my typing/spelling? Oh dear to be honest the problem is not either of those, It is infact about effort and knowing if i spend more time it means literally nothing because the message is still or should get across. I mean look at you this is why i put no effort into it because i had a suspicision people like you would be lurking. And you sir deserve zero effort for anything given to you because you act smart clutching at the only comeback yet are clearly unable to figure out and google what HD595 or HD598 means. What use is it trying to present a large IQ when you are clearly unable to figure out how to google HD595 or 598?

OP just google HD598 or 595 there is a open back and closed look for the C prefix on Amazon. No doubt the other guy will need a map to do this! And they only cost £30 more than the rubbish mentioned. :)
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Is that it? A correction in my typing/spelling? Oh dear to be honest the problem is not either of those, It is infact about effort and knowing if i spend more time it means literally nothing because the message is still or should get across. I mean look at you this is why i put no effort into it because i had a suspicision people like you would be lurking. And you sir deserve zero effort for anything given to you because you act smart clutching at the only comeback yet are clearly unable to figure out and google what HD595 or HD598 means. What use is it trying to present a large IQ when you are clearly unable to figure out how to google HD595 or 598?

OP just google HD598 or 595 there is a open back and closed look for the C prefix on Amazon. No doubt the other guy will need a map to do this! And they only cost £30 more than the rubbish mentioned. :)


Red for spelling/punctuation, green for grammar/i'm confused.

EDIT: Missed a couple.
It's not just you OP, I can't really understand what this poster is saying.

Folks IQ is NOT related to the time someone will spend presenting a post. Clearly shown here by the decision to type this poster which is longer than Rofflay. Also jonesssa is not the OP? Honestly guys if anyone has to try harder. I do not know why you are taking this further when i gave you all the information you need to go do your little google search. But clearly this is not about the headphones anymore someone has a little point to prove by further failing to read what i typed.

Repeat i will not put extra keypresses and time into a post just because one or two sadists get annoyed. Its there in English someone else clearly can see the reccomended choice is 598 595 or C variation. But as i said this now goes beyond headphones because we have someone trying to prove a point. Remember what i said about IQ in relation to grammar? There is none.
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Folks IQ is NOT related to the time someone will spend presenting a post. Clearly shown here by the decision to type this poster which is longer than Rofflay. Also jonesssa is not the OP? Honestly guys if anyone has to try harder. I do not know why you are taking this further when i gave you all the information you need to go do your little google search. But clearly this is not about the headphones anymore someone has a little point to prove by further failing to read what i typed.

Repeat i will not put extra keypresses and time into a post just because one or two sadists get annoyed. Its there in English someone else clearly can see the reccomended choice is 598 595 or C variation. But as i said this now goes beyond headphones because we have someone trying to prove a point. Remember what i said about IQ in relation to grammar? There is none.

I like how you edited this post for errors. Well done. 7/10 - Silver star for effort.

(You still missed some though. Homework is to find them.)

All sarcasm aside, no-one really cares how long you spend typing a reply or how many keystrokes (better wording than "Keypresses" fyi) you make. Even your poor grasp of the English language can be forgiven.

My real gripe is that your initial post was completely worthless (from what I could decipher).

Yes, anyone COULD google model numbers, but doesn't that completely go against the idea of posting a query on a forum?

The OP wanted some advice and some real-world feedback on headsets that are around £100.

Instead of providing that, you give no information of any value and spout a model number with no comment to re-enforce your experience or opinion.

Do you/have you even owned this headset?

Also, if you'd bothered Googling it for yourself, you'd also realize that the 598's are £40 over the OP's budget and the 595's are discontinued.

Really no need for that comment was there !-schizo
595 is still there actually called the SE edition, He still has two choices only £30 over his budget and of course i own them they are probably the finest entry level audiophile headphones around. I have tried many in what is it now 20 years of gaming since i last bought a Siberia?

So what you are talking about is rubbish you need to evaluate who is an oxygen thief before you start calling people names again. Yes you did indeed go hostile right from the beginning in your first post maybe read that again before deciding who is an oxygen thief. Take for example someone who posted like i did they might be in a rush, They might not care or worse did you give thought to conditions like Dyslexia? You never know who is behind a keyboard.

I am just careless and you proved the very reason why i am careless, Because these forums are filled with immature rude people like you who give no thought to anything. So the fact i even gave him a very fast post from a semi broken HP311c keyboard is enough for me. But obviously not for you because you had to become hostile and even now are still hostile. Is this about headphones now or grammar? Or the fact someone dared to become hostile to your hostile responses hmm? Surely someone with such a grasp of the English language has a brain to figure this out no?
I have been debating between HyperX Cloud II or the Logitech G633 Artemis Spectrum Pro but I am open to suggestions even headphones that don't have a mic but I do however prioritise headsets just for ease of use.

Myself and the other half use the HyperX II's and they are great for the price range they are in, the mic can also be removed from them easily too :)

No popcorn i am out after this :D

Basically what i am going to say to him and others is there is no sense in spending £100 on these rubbish headphones. They ARE rubbish because Sennheiser is the only real quality out there along with the Beyer and AK headphones. These headsets are probably mass produced in China for various brands it has been like this since i was 15 and it will always be like this. If you have sense spend more now on the Sennheiser without a microphone because they will outlast Siberia or HyperX II. Can you get replacements for these other headphones because only only do Sennhesier carry a premium re-sale value but all the replacement parts are there and have been for a long time.

And my final point is this by the time your Hyper X or Siberia is ragged and wore down would you really replace them or buy a new revision? Yes you will of course fall into the trap of buying another set of £100 headphones that even in five years time will never surpass the quality of Sennheiser. So really you are going to end up buying two sets of rubbish headphones versus one set of quality headphones. Heck they are so good you will struggle in the next few years to even find a high enough quality source to do them justice.

Thanks for finding the time to post a well balanced and useful comment.

Apologies for my choice of phrases in previous posts.
Thanks for the suggestions I really do appreciate them, but I ended up going with the Logitech G633 because two of my TS mates recommended to me. What I might do is buy either something like the Status Audio CB-1 Closed Back Studio Monitor Headphones or some Sennheiser CX 300 II just as something to listen to music on the tube.
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