Is that it? A correction in my typing/spelling? Oh dear to be honest the problem is not either of those,
It is
infact about effort and knowing if
i spend more time it means literally nothing
because the message is still or should get across.
I mean look at you this is why i put no effort into it because
i had a
suspicision people like you would be lurking.
And you sir deserve zero effort for anything given to you because you act smart clutching at the only comeback yet are clearly unable to figure out and google what HD595 or HD598 means. What use is it trying to present a large IQ when you are clearly unable to figure out how to google HD595 or 598?
OP just google HD598 or 595 there is a open back and closed look for the C prefix on Amazon. No doubt the other guy will need a map to do this! And they only cost £30 more than the rubbish mentioned.