What is the CANON 350D like?

7 Feb 2004
I am thinking about buying a canon 350D and was wondering if anyone has one and could tell me what they are like?

The reason I was going to get a canon is that I already have some lens for my old canon eos 300.

Would it be suitable for wedding photos as a friend has asked if I can take their wedding pictures for them?

Other than that I will be using it for just random events.

Found a D10 for £320 secondhand, would that be better?

Thanks in advance
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I have the 350D and think its a great camera. It has all the features i think any one is practically going to use and the imige quality is excellent. The only real complaint is the size of it, it's too small with out a battery grip. Persoanaly i would go to a shop and hold it to see if the size is going to be a problem. If it try it with a grip or i would look at 20D or 30D but these are almost double the cost. They do have a few more features but none are really vital in my view.

With regards to the 10D i've never used one but feature wise the 350D is probably the better camera but it's failry close.
At the price, the picture quality from the 350D is about as good as it gets for a new camera. As already suggested, the 350D is quite small, and IMO not that comfortable to use. I personally found the older 300D to be nicer in the hand. The 350D also adds "instant on", which something like a 10D won't have.
The key benefits of moving to a bigger camera like the 30D are better AF, bigger viewfinder and metal as against plastic body (generally better overall build quality).

IIRC, the older 10D has slower warm up, 6MP sensor (same as 300D), but a semi-pro level body which will be a lot more durable and nicer to use than the 350D. I get the impression from other threads I've read that the AF might be better in the 10D, which does make it an interesting option, as it doesn't matter how many pixels you've got, if they're not in focus.
Whats the 350D like in comparison to the D50?

The spec says that the D50's lowest ISO is 200, that seems a little high?
The Canon 350D and Nikon D50 both are great cameras. Most people say that the Canon is slightly better due to higher pixel count and some feature such as mirror lock up that the Nikon does not have. However the Nikon is cheaper and is slightly bigger which generaly makes it easier to hold and use.

Overall you should pick which family of camera you want to join as once you buy a few lenses you are unlikely to swap makes in the future.
The D50 DOES have mirror lock up.

They are equally good. The ISO 200 is a bit limiting but you can stop down to compensate. Couldnt be happier with mine to be honest. And now Nikon have released the 18 - 135mm AFS IF ED DX and 70 - 300mm IF AFS ED VR lens your laughing. Great performance for decent money all round!
King_Boru said:
The D50 DOES have mirror lock up.

No, it really doesn't!
There is a difference between locking up the mirror for cleaning (which is what the "Mirror Lock Up" function on the D50 will do) and locking the mirror up for exposing - whereby the mirror comes up and rests for a second or so before the exposure begins... Thus eliminating any mirror slap.

Handy in applications where you're shooting long shots of relatively still subjects that have relatively short exposure times, such as taking shots of the moon. It's not so useful if you're using longer exposure times, as the mirror slap on a stable tripod will make only the most minute of differences.
hoodmeister said:
No, it really doesn't!
There is a difference between locking up the mirror for cleaning (which is what the "Mirror Lock Up" function on the D50 will do) and locking the mirror up for exposing - whereby the mirror comes up and rests for a second or so before the exposure begins... Thus eliminating any mirror slap.

Handy in applications where you're shooting long shots of relatively still subjects that have relatively short exposure times, such as taking shots of the moon. It's not so useful if you're using longer exposure times, as the mirror slap on a stable tripod will make only the most minute of differences.
He's right..

They both might aswel not have mirror lock up anyway given how much effort it takes to enable the feature.
hoodmeister said:
No, it really doesn't!
There is a difference between locking up the mirror for cleaning (which is what the "Mirror Lock Up" function on the D50 will do) and locking the mirror up for exposing - whereby the mirror comes up and rests for a second or so before the exposure begins... Thus eliminating any mirror slap.

Handy in applications where you're shooting long shots of relatively still subjects that have relatively short exposure times, such as taking shots of the moon. It's not so useful if you're using longer exposure times, as the mirror slap on a stable tripod will make only the most minute of differences.

In that sense then yes your right, sorry.
Are you particularly after a new camera rather than a second hand one. I have to say I have tried the 350D and have to 300D and in all honestly prefer the 300D I wouldn't swap it given the option.
AF speed REALLY depends on the lens used, not always the camera itself, the 350D metering, IQ and AF are more accurate since it is using newer technology and digicII but the reason the 10D "feels" faster than the 350D to most is that usually people compare the kit lens which is slow anyway and in EF-s mount which will not fit on a 10D so an alternative lens is used on the 10D.
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