what is the one thing you do but want to stop doing?

19 Mar 2021
We all have that one thing that one tick we hate.

For me its the need to progression of order like every time a new series , game etc comes out I have to start from the beginning. Just brought flash season 8 but have start from series one again just as I have done 7 times before this lol.
Coke, energy drinks are one of my vices too all I have drunk in 15 plus years straight. I would say smoking but I also own a vaping company so it is not too hard to quit the smoking but replace it with vaping.

IU can understand junk food, my brother is younger than me I wish he would stop it will kill him. I joke not right when I drive him shopping a over flowed trolley of junk comes out. Hes already seriously over weight from it.
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