What is the point of ECC memory?

21 Oct 2002
London & Singapore
I know exactly what it does and how it works etc, so don't worry it's not that sort of question :p

But what is the point of it?

Or perhaps a better question would be: "What is wrong with non-ECC memory in servers?"

Surely if you have a system with non-ECC memory and all of a sudden it BSODs due to memory corruption then that is clearly a serious hardware fault (or maybe BIOS configuration i.e. overclocking too high!)

It seems to me like ECC memory was designed for a bygone era where electronics were far more sensitive to EFI. I can UNDERSTAND why like the Mars Rovers, space probes and orbital satellites surely have ECC memory. But why a run-of-the-mill server on an Earthly data center?
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