It's far from being "a wildy overrated mediocre piece of crap", maybe it's just not for you. The "point" of GTA games is to provide the player with a beautiful immersive world that is ridiculously detailed and V does this in a way I haven't seen before.
Fair enough, but whilst I would agree 100% about how stunning a sand box Rock Star have created, and it is pretty cool to look around it, this 'beautiful world' is not that immersive a world. The only way to 'to open it up' is to drive to the various Mission Markers on the map. At first this is cool, but before long, this starts to seem like a loading screen that I got to do myself.
Say what you like about the AI in Dishonored, but when I was playing that game, not only was my imagination entertained, but my pulse was racing from the gameplay. Same with Bioshock (all of them), and someone mentioned Sleeping Dogs, which I completed and which had decent gameplay mechanics in it. The Witcher 3, I got bored of. Amazing story telling which actually gets a bit too much whilst the game play itself is über-meh after about level 10. Button Mashing crap. Skyrim, I also found to be a terrible bore..... maybe if the main attraction or point of a game, is a huge sandbox environment (and mediocre everything else), than that game isn't for me.
P.S. To the morally righteous Authoritarian Personalities posting their disapproval of my Free Full Demo Copy of GTA V; regarding the pirating of this game, who are Rockstar, Konami, Steam, or any other corporation to demand that I, and all my personal details be hooked up to the Information Highway in order to use a product that I have paid for? I pay for 90% of my games and can handle a 1 time online DRM validation, but anything beyond that, and certainly any Always On DRM, is beyond the pail. This was after all the move from Microsoft that killed the XBone prior to it's launch, yet PC gamers are getting hit with it all the time.....Even platforms such as Steam which are meant to have an offline mode still require to phone home every so often or they will lock you out of all your games, which you have paid for, if you haven't had the foresight to download a big bunch of pirate cracks in advance. I work away for weeks at a time, and have an expensive gaming laptop to keep me company, and compulsory Online DRM has left a very bitter taste in my mouth on more than one occasion. **** any publisher that opts to use it! They aint getting my support.