What is wrong with my CAPTCHA?



18 Oct 2002
I've had to implement one on ochostreview.co.uk to try to combat the spam. I've adapted someone else's script which, to me, looks quite secure but the spammers are still getting through! Surely this can't actually be a human? You can see the posts at the bottom of the hosts list.

Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong or give me any pointers? I'm convinced it's a bot as the spam arrives every day without fail at roughly the same time.
There's far too much code to post but I'm positive it's not a flaw in the logic. I've been writing this kind of stuff for many years, including some professional projects :).

I've checked, double checked and triple checked. The secret 'word' is completely random and is stored in the session data so it's not possible that it is being read in any way other than via the captcha image.
Actually I must admit I hadn't considered the code for the captcha itself, only my own which is far too simplistic to have any kind of bug in it...

Here it is, largely borrowed from a free open source script with a few obvious modifications:


Thanks for your help :)
Variables names are all non-descript. Passing the session ID using GET is only for the image display - if the image doesn't display, it doesn't matter, the code is still in place in the main script so no submissions would be accepted.

Edit: Note that I've bodged the image script and set the string to $_SESSION['random'] after the dictionary checks. That variable is set within the main site.
I'm dubious about posting the entire code because it's, frankly, crap. I knocked it up on a Sunday afternoon after a trip to the pub ;). There seems to be a few people on this forum with a grudge against particular companies on the list (namely Clook and Register1) who I'm sure would love to exploit my dodgy code to air their grievances.

Literally all the captcha related code does is...

If ($_SESSION['random']) is not set, generate a random string (letters only) and set it as $_SESSION['random'].

Echo <img src='/image.php?session=<?=session_id()?>' blah />

Then when the form is posted back, compare the code sent to $_SESSION['random']. If they match, accept the submission.
I don't and that had occurred to me, I'll change that, but it doesn't explain how they got the first one... There doesn't appear to be any sign of a brute force attack.
toastyman said:
Why don't you log the IP to see if all the attacks are coming from one place? Then you could block that IP accordingly as a deterrant...

They're coming from random addresses - they've obviously got some kind of network of drone machines. It's not even good spam :(.

I'm now killing the random string after every successful submission. We'll see if that helps :).
I'm sure you'll all be very amused to hear that it was my dodgy code at fault :p.

What was happening was that I was initialising the random string the first time someone viewed the form. However, our spammers weren't viewing the form, they were making a single POST request. This launched the script straight into the form processing function *before* showing the form and initialising the variable thus the random string was still blank. As someone pointed out earlier, blank when compared to blank will always match ;).

I'm such a noob :p.

Thanks everyone :).
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