What is wrong with this sig?

4 Jun 2007
South Wales
Had the text from my sig delete twice now, and there is noothing wrong with it to my mind, seems like a mod has got a stupidly small screen.

Does this look ok to everyone else?


I Cannot understand you, to me you live in a world of chaos|PSN:Riotshadow|Steam:Riotshadow

this is what i see on all the computers i use...

As you can see the w of the second Riotshadow stops just short of the end of my sig which is exactly 400px long so the line of text must be less than that. So what the hell is wqrong with it...
Ahhhh, just checked my font settings, that explains it on my main pc, still confused why it's still short on other pc's with default settings. But have seen how it is so long and will change it now. Thanks semi-pro waster
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