What kind of structure will I need? (php/mysql)

26 Jun 2003
North West
Im creating site for someone and they want a hit counter that has this information:

60 visits (today)
57 visits (yesterday)
476 visits (month)
2244 visits total

What kind of table structure will I need and what PHP stuff will I need to do to work this out?

Not got my thinkin hat on today.

Thx for your help.
If it's just number of hits and nothing else...

Table Structure:

hit_id (int) (auto_increment/Identity)
hit_date (datetime)

Add code to a top-level include/header/master page that runs this bit of sql

"INSERT INTO tblHits VALUES(Now());"

Which will store the date/time of the hit

Then just use different SQL queries to bring back the correct data

"SELECT COUNT(hit_id) As noHits FROM tblHits where hit_date between <start_date> AND <end_date>;"

For example, will give the number of hits between the two dates.


I thought about that but the site has had over 5000 hits in about 5 days. In a years time this could easily be in the 500000+ figure mark?

So is it the best way to store each hit coz the table could get potentially large?

I was thinkin like:

table: hits

but how can i calculate when to reset each week/month/day etc?

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500000 records isn't a big deal for a database to manage, if you cared you could easily run a scheduled job at the end of every month to prune the previous month's records and store them in another table.

Agreed, 500,000 rows is nothing; 500,000 small rows is less than nothing.

Even with 50,000,000 rows the database isn't going to be much more than half a Gb in size (about 575Mb @ 12 bytes per row).

ok point made chaps. Thx.

So what queries can work out how many hits today, this week and this month?
Mr^B said:
If it's just number of hits and nothing else...

Table Structure:

hit_id (int) (auto_increment/Identity)
hit_date (datetime)

Add code to a top-level include/header/master page that runs this bit of sql

"INSERT INTO tblHits VALUES(Now());"

Which will store the date/time of the hit

Then just use different SQL queries to bring back the correct data

"SELECT COUNT(hit_id) As noHits FROM tblHits where hit_date between <start_date> AND <end_date>;"

For example, will give the number of hits between the two dates.



that query
Yeh I understand that its how I calculate the start date of the queries?

now() - start of month, start of week etc.

$tomorrow  = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")  , date("d")+1, date("Y"));
$lastmonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, date("d"),  date("Y"));
$nextyear  = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"),  date("d"),  date("Y")+1);

From http://uk.php.net/date
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