What kind of window opening is this?

31 May 2005
View attachment H5hbykj.jpg

View attachment sZKSjk3.jpg

Apologies for poor photographs.

I had to take a chisel to get it open and judging by the dirt, I think it has not been opened for a good few decades :D

There is a winder which when turned, moves a cog along the bar which opens the Window.

Rather complex for what it does but another example of Victorian jollies it seems.

I am thinking there should be a pully cable perhaps?

Wants to start using it as have discovered when opened, it lets a rather nice breeze through the house.

Going to keep it as I like it but wouldn't mind cleaning it up etc but need to know what I am missing as having to get a chair to climb up and spend 5 minutes turning the winder is not the most convenient :D

Any ideas?

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